So Much Modem Madness
So Much Modem Madness (Power User Software) (1993).ISO
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File List
1,218 lines
MACROCVT.ZIP 5,899 08-26-93 MACRO CONVERT v1.0; Program for converting
the @MACRO codes in FeatherNet BBS v4.2a's
screens to the NEW code names in FeatherNet
BBS v5.0. This will work for ASCII, ANSI,
XCODE & RIP screens and menus.
MAILBOX.ZIP 89,875 10-16-93 Log on E-Mail system. Users can read and
reply to E-Mail during LOGON, before they
reach the BBS. Features "Junk Mail" to send
mail to all users by levels (GAP BBS only).
MAKEARC3.ZIP 44,621 07-14-92 MakeArc V3.02 With C Source Code
MAKEBX14.ZIP 91,613 03-18-93 MakeBix v1.4; Allows you to move downloads
from several information sources into a BIBL
database. Supports conversions from
ABI-Inform (CD-ROM) AGRICOLA (SilverPlatter)
ERIC (SilverPlatter) PsychInfo (SilverPlatter
MAKEFREQ.ZIP 4,159 08-09-93 Freq file list generator for Ezycom BBS.
MAKLST11.ZIP 73,416 02-02-93 MAKE-LST v1.01; BEST master file list-
generation tool that works with almost any
BBS software! It's also the pro's choice!
Direct support for RBBS-PC, PC Board, TriBBS
plus thousands of other software. Supports an
unlimited number of files, up to 100 file
categories, also features high speed routines
which means you won't be waiting for MAKE-LS
to complete! Includes handy sorting utility
to keep file lists up to date. Generates a
MASTER19.ZIP 55,837 03-29-93 ListMaster v1.9; Create a Master File List of
your Bulletin Board's File Area's.
MBULL219.ZIP 123,636 06-24-92 MaleBull; ANSI/PCB/WC! CDE Support For BBS
MBV3.ZIP 42,407 01-26-93 Master-B: the bulletin-menu manager.
Excellent program to create a listing of
bulletins on bbss and the dates they were
last updated.
MD_LAW.ZIP 10,282 08-02-92 New law in Maryland as it pertains to modem
MEAND13.ZIP 11,610 06-22-93 MeanDate v1.3; Report the number of selected
files, the dates of the newest and oldest
files, as well as their mean date in months.
Optionally ignores FILE_ID.DIZ.
MEGACATA.ZIP 161,928 01-01-93 DESCRIPTOR A Showcase Utility! SAMPLE VERSION
Authors can save time by describing their
Doors, Utilities, and others in a classy DOS
Interface with Pull-Down Menus.Form Printing,
Sound Blaster Support and more! Shareware.
MELKIC.ZIP 110,933 01-10-93 Add VGA to your vbbs 5.60 bbs. Pretty good.
MENU0ANS.ZIP 5,849 05-29-92 Ansi Menus of Menu0 for RBBS
MENUSMPL.ZIP 39,932 11-02-91 Here is some of my menus that I've worked
extremely hard on and thought they may be of
some help to others. Pass these along to
other XBBS SysOps!
MEZZ444.ZIP 139,008 06-27-93 Metro-Mezzanine, IV, v4.44; sophisticated BBS
center/hub, for access to more than one BBS
program or utility, even in multinode setups.
Has many other uses, too, like DOOR monitor,
program downloading front-end, etc.
Registration adds lots of extra features!
Supports DigiBoard & non-standard ports. The
best (and first) BBS carousel keeps getting
better and better, only now it's also the
best (and ONLY) BBS center/hub!
MKQM4BLT.ZIP 39,247 07-18-93 Create Bulletins of top ten message up and
downloader for users using the QMAIL4 door
FREEWARE: Updates USERNET.DAT for multinode
systems not using all of their nodes. It will
insert a bogus "user" into USERNET.DAT so
that callers will think there is a user on
that node!
MMUPS151.ZIP 15,807 08-26-93 MM Uploads v1.51; Superior New File lists;
Create easy to read and colourful New File
Bulletins that also include a "Thank you"
note to all the uploaders contributing.
MOREFBI.ZIP 5,968 02-08-93 More Raids - Offworld Bbs Busted; Air Force
Colonel Loses Retirement For P 1993
MOVE320.ZIP 30,219 02-16-92 This is a great file mover for TBBS version
2.x. This program moves files, sorts pseudo
directories, cross references DOS dirs, and
much more. This is a fully functional demo
program restricted to 10 file areas max.
MPD204.ZIP 46,649 10-12-91 MSTPOPDL - Most Popular Downloads; utility
program for Searchlight BBS programs. The
program will only work with SL version 2.11
and higher.
MPIXIT.ZIP 72,750 11-28-92 Major BBS logout quotes.
MQM.ZIP 35,013 03-30-92 Mistic Questionaire Maker; utility that
allows the SysOp to custom make their own
questionairres. The Utility provides support
for ANSI, and ASCII, a defined set of
commands, a repeat loop, and an IF statement
MRKT_NTR.ZIP 9,238 03-20-93 Informational Show on The Marketer, A New BBS
Utility for SysOps who want to promote their
Bulletin Boards. VGA and PC Speaker Required.
MSGRTO12.ZIP 83,744 09-06-93 MESSAGE/RATIO v1.2ß Encourages your users to
become more active in your message bases, for
the "Posting" of messages!! Limits access to
areas of your choice by a specific Post/Ratio
MSGUPL.ZIP 3,737 01-27-93 Allows message uploads for Proboard bbs.
MSTAT.ZIP 39,008 03-08-93 Message base statistics; Gives complete
statistics about who has left messages, how
many, to whom, titles
MSYS2FBB.ZIP 5,429 04-18-93 Msys to fbb mailfile conversion utility.
MTAOVF10.ZIP 132,036 05-03-92 MTA is a conversion utility to convert al-
most any archive and/or GIF to another for-
mat. It contains special support for BBS's,
exits, doors and such. Also you can check for
virus inside the archives while you convert.
Add-on utilities included !! See MTA_VF10 for
a description of changes. THIS IS THE OVERLAY
MULTI201.ZIP 24,151 02-09-93 MultiBBS v2.0; Run 2 BBS softwares from your
Front End. Easy Selection for the User. Chat
Mode. Download the RoboTerm while in the
Program Status bar. Configurable ANSIS
part... FREEWARE!
MULTRING.ZIP 4,395 01-06-93 Information on Bell's multi-ring service to
allows one phone line to be used for several
devices. 01/06/93.
M_PCLR10.ZIP 39,803 07-26-92 M&P Color v1.0: replaces searchlight color.
NAMEBBS.ZIP 13,615 08-19-91 Name your bbs: essential naming aide program
from Pinnacle Software.
NAMER.ZIP 34,794 01-04-93 Random BBS alias generator. Very funny.
NCHAT_PP.ZIP 15,170 10-02-93 A NEW and better split screen chat! Faster,
better looking, more features, more
configurable, and FREE! Release
NET31.ZIP 192,223 07-22-92 Newest WWIVnet software to date.
NETLOGO1.ZIP 32,035 09-06-93 NetLOGO v1.0; Insert a Text file into your
Zip's as a LOGO.
NET_TREE.ZIP 33,989 02-16-92 VBBS utility to give a tree representation of
the VirtualNet layout and any error
conditions which might exist.
NEWDAY45.ZIP 60,075 08-05-91 NewDay/PC v4.5c; This program performs
similar functions, and accepts the same
datafiles as "Today" (Patricks Kincaid's
original history program).
NEWFIL21.ZIP 34,053 09-29-93 NEWFILES 2.1: Generates bulletins showing
uploaded files "nnn" days old. Supports
multiple nodes and conferences. For
Powerboard 1.25a
NEWINTRO.ZIP 2,398 11-07-92 Change your inlog to a real fast one and give
more room to the language description than
PCBoard would allow you. It combines the
first to screens of PCB. Welcome and choice
of language in just one screen. Change the
files to match your system. You and your
users will like it.
NEWMSG20.ZIP 83,637 03-13-92 New User Message v2.0 : Added Features
PCBoard 14.x Utility That informs the Sysop
when a new user logs on. Free Registration.
NEWSFLSH.ZIP 91,288 09-13-92 NewsFlash v1.0 - bulletin displaying program
Displays bulletin only once. Access level
control and more.
NM2DT11.ZIP 12,254 08-02-92 Name-To-Date is a freeware utility written to
allow you to rename a file with it's date as
the major part of the filename. Very useful
for QWK and logfiles. Another DoubleZ Freebie!
NMSGS11M.ZIP 68,539 10-06-93 New Message Update for GAP v1.1 (Multi-node)
NEWMSGS uses virtual memory techniques to do
a very fast update of the new message
counters for all your users. Freeware.
NPA_0992.ZIP 732,600 09-17-92 Telephone exchange finder. Enter an area code
and exchange and NPA will tell you the city
and state. Enter the name of a city and NPA
will search for all valid exchanges. Also
reports population figures and latitude,
logitude coordinates.
NR303.ZIP 164,096 10-27-92 NewsRoom version 3.03 . BBS News generating
software. Create news files using ANSI,
PCBoard color codes. A little cosmetic fix
for one of the formats, and addition of a
"never purge" category for news items.
NTQT20.ZIP 129,248 02-15-93 NETWORK QUOTABLES v2.0 <ASP> - Be greeted w/
famous, witty, daily quotes on standalone or
network PCs. Make the network interesting and
fun. The same quote can be displayed for all
network users on a particular day. Can be run
as a non-TSR screen saver with user message.
An optional net. admin. message can be
displayed below the quote. Add, Edit, Delete,
Print or Search quotes. Registration: $25
standalone, $75 Network.
NUB17.ZIP 40,746 10-06-93 New User Bulletin v1.7; This is a little
utility that will list the new users on your
system in an ANSI and ASCII bulletin. You may
configure the number of days to consider a
new user, minimum access levels to include,
and fully configure the colorization of your
bulletins. v1.7 allows you to specify 7 bit
characters to be used for the ASCII bulletin.
NUMSG.ZIP 2,102 01-29-92 Modification for new message search for VBBS.
NWSMAN10.ZIP 103,268 11-22-92 News Manager - A utility allowing a SysOp or
a person designated by the SysOp to maintain
multiple text files on the BBS from a remote
location. For example keep NEWS files up to
date or change a security specific file from
remote. I wrote this door to solve a need of
my own. Version 1.0 has no bells and frills.
If you have an idea for additions holler!!!!
NWSMAN12.ZIP 102,363 07-14-93 News Manager; Allows a SysOp to maintain
multiple text files on the BBS from remote
NWSMKR21.ZIP 25,585 12-31-91 Newsmaker v2.1 - PCBoard 14.x NEWS maker.
Simply create a NEWS file using your favorite
text editor, add some formatting codes, and
Newsmaker will process the text file and
output a nice, headered NEWS file. Completely
color-customizable. Will support five-colors
to enhance your text. Written by Greg Barton,
NWV100B4.ZIP 25,385 05-11-92 Monitor program with mouse support - Even to
RELEASE A TNE SYSTEM instead of ALT - Just
press the right mouse button!!! For
You'll like this program better than ALL the
rest if you run an average BBS and love the
mouse! This program Requires the Use of The
Network Eye.
OLZ-13.ZIP 123,637 02-08-93 OneLinerZ! v1.3; Written, and should work
with Renegade, T.A.G., and Telegard. Based on
a "rumors" program that allows users to enter
one line of ANSI, AVATAR or ASCII text,
usually the oneliners are something like
this: "Press ALT-H for SysOp access!!", or
often they are used to advertise bulletin
boards, "Call AVERNUS at 313.427.0224!", etc.
ON891.ZIP 6,525 01-14-93 Simple joke program that looks like you are
getting into a government bbs. 01/14/93.
PAGAN02.ZIP 13,042 02-13-93 Internet Faq (Answers To Freq. Asked Qns.) on
paganist religious beliefs and observances,
PAGE.ZIP 90,969 10-17-93 PAGE BRAIN SYSOP PAGE DOOR Set page hours,
bell on/off times. Callers can leave a one
line comment with reason for paging.
PAKTOC10.ZIP 16,354 10-13-91 Press a key to continue for use by BBSs.
PANORAMA.ZIP 31,230 09-01-91 ZIP extract Program For Searchlight BBS 2.X.
PARSE130.ZIP 138,683 10-08-92 Parseit v1.30; Files list parseing utility.
Hits & Exclusions are supported. Generate
lists of definate interest from your favorite
bbs system.
PAYBBS.ZIP 4,377 01-31-93 Information on new service for pay bbs sysops.
PBDIAG.ZIP 36,343 07-19-93 PBDIAG 1.00: Powerboard BBS ver 1.2 Complete
Diagnostics system. Provides analysis of
conference configuration, hardware/DOS/system
configuration, event, main setup, PCL syntax
check, vital EXE integrity, COMM port
analysis, IRQ/iobase and TSR conflicts, more.
PBM11.ZIP 22,732 12-26-92 Pasco BBS Magazine, January 1993, first
issue, Interview with Nels Anderson, PascoNet
feature and much more!
PBMR132S.ZIP 15,309 04-25-92 FILES.BBS utility designed for Power Board.
The output file is in a standard format so so
that any bbs can use it.
PBNEWBUL.ZIP 33,512 09-15-93 NEWFILES 1.0 : Generates a bulletin listing
files that have been uploaded in the last
"nnn" days. Powerboard 1.25a
PBNEWS.ZIP 5,719 02-01-93 News Bulletin maker for Proboard bbs.
PBRMWRL3.ZIP 56,004 12-26-92 Remote user editor for Proboard bbs.
PCBV_PB.ZIP 0,707 01-24-93 Utility to allow use of pcbverify door w/
PCG_105.ZIP 127,820 10-12-92 PC Gopher II v1.05 - a program that lets user
search for and retrieve information stored on
other computers, known as Gopher Servers.
PCLPACK.ZIP 94,694 07-13-93 PCLPACK 1.00: collection of control language
routines, additions & hints from Powerboard
BBS sysops, for Powerboard BBS v1.2+.
PCLS20R.ZIP 21,697 12-27-91 ProCalls 2.0R - PCBoard 14.5 previous caller
bulletin generator. Fully functional
shareware program.
PCPROD2.ZIP 249,811 07-20-93 Lists of hardware, (modems, monitors, boards,
cables, chips, etc.) & software (DOS,
Windows, OS/2) for the PC. All listed by
category and at low prices. Updated monthly.
PCR_185.ZIP 12,530 02-28-93 PcRemove v1.85 - Caller Log Editor PcRemove
will remove unwanted information from the
CALLER*.* logs. New version will allow you to
also remove specific lines along with users
name. Command line option added for quick and
easy use. Bug fix with detecting caller's log
fixed with single line versions of PcBoard.
PEEK_222.ZIP 94,935 05-18-92 Peeker is a short XBBS utility that will look
inside archives (ZOO, ARC, PKA, PAK, LZH,
ARJ, ad nauseum), read FILES.BBS listings,
and optionally create extract files from
archives, all online.
PHONEWIZ.ZIP 51,027 07-20-93 PhoneWiz is a DOS based application and will
convert your phone number to feasible
word-number combination. It has a dictionary
of about 10,000 words. It also lets you add
more words to the dictionary.
PINBRD12.ZIP 40,088 01-02-93 PinBoard-Manager, handles up to 99 different
logoff-notes of your users and displays them
in a news-like ANS/ASC file. Now Users can
change Colors in their text !!!
PND10B.ZIP 71,372 08-20-91 Pronews deluxe BBS news/ANSI generator.
PPAGE210.ZIP 76,142 01-09-93 Pocket Pager: sysop page system for SLBBS.
PRFP100.ZIP 12,927 01-17-93 PRFP v1.0; The Pseudo-Random File Picker
PRODZ203.ZIP 44,747 09-10-92 ProDIZ 2.03 - ProDoor 3.44 utility to replace
caller U/L descriptions with a FILE_ID.DIZ or
DESC.SDI file if found in ZIP, LZH, and ARJ
archives. This version fixes the /Local mode
of operation and adds the /E switch to erase
files that fail the maximum age requirement.
WARNING!!! This only works with ProDoor 3.44
dated 12/31/91 or later! This is FREEWARE
PROFM210.ZIP 370,830 02-11-93 ProFAM v2.1; Professional File Area Manager
PROSTP12.ZIP 13,166 09-25-91 <ProStrip> Ver 1.1; strips Pro Series
bulletins for clean individual bulletins
PROTOHLP.ZIP 26,710 03-02-92 Protocol Setup for SuperBBS
PS_800.ZIP 9,025 10-03-92 Supposed to display ownership of 800 numbers.
PTCHEVT1.ZIP 31,968 11-20-91 PatchEvt Version 1.0, released Nov 20th 1991.
PCBoard V14.5a SysOp Utility. Maintains
proper event schedules when using Front-Ends.
(Front Door, BinkleyTerm, etc). A MUST!
PTIME10S.ZIP 7,821 08-31-93 PowerTime 1.00: Creates charts for bulletins
showing a graph of number of callers for all
times of the For Powerboard BBS 1.0-1.45.
PWPLWARN.ZIP 29,176 07-11-92 PWPLWARN File for Password Plus. Reads log
file and warns if there have been any recent
failed password attempts. Run this file from
your autoexec.bat file. Not a release by the
Password Plus author.
PWRGIF12.ZIP 66,001 12-31-92 Power*GIF, Generates GIF preview files for
PowerBBS systems. Users can select up to nine
individual GIFs to be included in the preview
file. Includes link to List and Search files
and consideration for limited access GIFs.
FREEWARE program from ProtoWrxs! Software.
Req PowerBBS v1.91+ DOS or WIN version.
Written by Stephen W. Nolen
PWRLST47.ZIP 212,167 10-14-93 Power List v4.7; A utility allowing a user to
create his own personal files list based on
interests. Why download complete file list?
Choose directories that are of interest. You
can also scan for files by date or scan for
text. Supports non-standard comports. Now
allows adding dirs by range. Now reads the
DIR.LST file automatically. Fixed a problem
with non-PCB systems and the GoodBye command.
QAC112.ZIP 17,483 01-01-92 Quote access controller v1.12 for sl 2.x.
Control who gets to leave a logoff quote.
QI200.ZIP 46,506 06-09-93 QuoteIt v2.0; Generate ASCII/ANSI quote
bulletins for almost any bbs system, using
your own quote list. Three quote lists are
included. The bulletins generated are
completely user configurable.
QMAKER10.ZIP 11,566 03-08-93 QMaker v1.0 a random quote generator to be
used with remote access but can be converted
for almost any bbs software.
QOFDV605.ZIP 153,458 10-26-92 Quote O' The Day v6.05- For almost any BBS
Display random quotes to users online. Has
door so users can add quotes of their own.
Sysop can add, edit delete quotes, and screen
added quotes before they are used. Uncle
QOTD19.ZIP 240,300 02-15-93 Quote Of The Day version 1.9: Over 5000
quotes and giggles, with lots of display
parameters. This version certified
networkable. Ok, it fixes a couple of small
bugs as well.
QRFM41.ZIP 255,421 12-04-92 BBS File Manager for BBS Systems that use
Files.BBS to describe files. QRFM will Move
Files; Virus Chk.; Recompress; Edit Desc.,
Name, Date. Backup/Catalog files on floppy.
Creates file lists including AllFiles and
Cross Ref. Lists. CD-ROM Compatable & More.
QUOTEIT.ZIP 8,542 01-26-92 Make new bulletins each day from a list.
QUOTER3.ZIP 17,059 02-04-92 A quote of the Day BBS utility
QWKSRT56.ZIP 24,430 03-11-93 QWKSORT v5.6; Re-Index QWK Subs for VBBS 5.60
This program will relieve the sysop of the
burden of keeping track of the QWK numbers
assigned to message subs.
RAH0992.ZIP 11,256 09-01-92 Random Access Humor v0#0; Rag-tag collection
of fugitive humor, some of which is vaguely
related to the BBS/Online System world.
RAH1092.ZIP 12,979 10-01-92 Random Access Humor v0#1; Rag-tag collection
of fugitive humor, some of which is vaguely
related to the BBS/Online System world.
RAH1192.ZIP 12,318 11-01-92 Random Access Humor v0#2; Rag-tag collection
of fugitive humor, some of which is vaguely
related to the BBS/Online System world.
RAH1292.ZIP 10,846 12-01-92 Random Access Humor v0#3; Rag-tag collection
of fugitive humor, some of which is vaguely
related to the BBS/Online System world.
RAH9308.ZIP 22,928 08-01-93 Random Access Humor; Monthly electronic humor
magazine by and for the online community.
ASCII text. Free for non-commercial purposes.
Contents: Memories of a DP Major; System
Design 101; Product Liability Suit; The Twit
Filter: The Star Gazer; RAH Humor Review:
Robin Hood: Men in Tights; Taglines Seen
Around the Nets.
RAH9308R.ZIP 37,595 08-01-93 Random Access Humor; Monthly electronic humor
magazine by and for the online community.
READROOM.TOC version. Free for non-commercial
purposes. Contents: Memories of a DP Major;
System Design 101; Product Liability Suit;
The Twit Filter: The Star Gazer; RAH Humor
Review: Robin Hood: Men in Tights; Taglines
Seen Around the Nets.
RAH9310.ZIP 30,833 10-01-93 Random Access Humor - October 1993 Monthly
electronic humor magazine by and for the
online community. ASCII text. Free for
non-commercial purposes. Contents: History
Lesson; As the Hard Drive Turns, Pt 4; Say
What?!; Windows to the Soul; Floods and
Locusts; Aussies in the Palace; Grunged
Glossary; RAH Humor Review: Mystery Science
Theater 3000; RAH Needs A Logo!
RAH9310R.ZIP 39,891 10-01-93 Random Access Humor - October 1993 Monthly
electronic humor magazine by and for the
online community. READROOM.TOC version. Free
for non-commercial purposes. Contents:
History Lesson; As the Hard Drive Turns, Pt
4; Say What?!; Windows to the Soul; Floods
and Locusts; Aussies in the Palace; Grunged
Glossary; RAH Humor Review: Mystery Science
Theater 3000; RAH Needs A Logo!
RANDANSI.ZIP 31,447 12-24-92 RANDANSI v1.0; Randansi is a program that can
be used to select a random ANSI screen for
most BBS welcome screens.
RANDCP10.ZIP 10,139 02-17-93 RandomCopy 1.0; RandomCopy is a small utility
that will copy files at random. You can give
a range of files (with wildcards), RandomCopy
will select one of those and copy it to a
filename/directory. Very useful for BBS
SysOps who want to use random logon/logoff
screens etc.
RANDFILE.ZIP 3,592 01-10-93 Random file display for TBBS/TDBS (picks from
RANOTE12.ZIP 22,712 10-09-92 BBS automessage utility: Doorinfo, door.sys,
pcb.sys support. Freeware.
RANSI-3.ZIP 79,680 02-01-93 Random ANSI opening screens 4 Searchlight &
other bbs's.
RAPNOTE2.ZIP 42,668 02-27-93 Sysop note leaving utility for most BBS
RBTOON01.ZIP 69,859 01-09-93 Collection of roboboard bbs graphics.
RDS_V201.ZIP 159,606 08-22-92 RDS is a remote DOS-shell. It is not a
DOORWAY <tm> alike program but a program to
perform various (maintenance) functions with
FULL security on ALL specified drives
directories and files. It can be setup for
single users, a multiple number of users or
EVEN ALL users. RDS gives the protection YOU
like while maintaining a full DOS shell
READER.ZIP 10,349 05-31-93 Reads your "allfiles.lst" and create a text
file displaying the names of all the
directories listed.
REG11.ZIP 11,806 02-07-93 User registration program v1.1 for TBBS/TDBS.
REMOTE93.ZIP 48,093 07-06-93 Ever had remote system operators have the
need to view script answer files? However,
you have only been able to use the sysop
command to view files, meaning you have to
know path locations. Now we have a easy way
to view these answer files. *PCBoard SYSTEMS
ONLY*. Beta 093ß, released July 15, 1993.
RENAMARC.ZIP 15,948 03-13-91 Rename Files to The Day-Of-Week Extension.
Good For Backup Purposes
RGNC10.ZIP 17,558 09-03-92 NO CARRIER v1.00 Std. Creates a nice ANSI and
ASCII bulletin of users who have dropped
carrier on a Renegade BBS system. With the
PERSAD Software, Inc. trademark of no messy
command lines and EASY setup! Inhibit
improper carrier drop with this really great
utility. This is the standard release.
RIDDANCE.ZIP 32,580 02-02-92 Sysops utility to delete users who haven't
called for a specified number of days.
RIM300.ZIP 301,586 12-03-92 Robo-board icon mover utility.
RIPTOGR.ZIP 4,682 08-27-93 RIPTOGR v1.0 - Convert DOOR.SYS/USERINFO.
RMS346.ZIP 80,650 03-06-93 RMS CATALOG SYSTEM V3.46 / RMS BUILD V1.3
Enhanced system for PCBoard and other BBSs!
Menu-driven Sysop tools to build/edit data
files of your BBS file listings that callers
can use with a classy offline user catalog
program. Both Tools & User Catalog pgms have
colorful sculpted menus, scrolling windows,
powerful search/print/picklist* features,
custom BBS info, foreign language support,
online Sysop edit tools, more! Shareware. $25
ROBOUC01.ZIP 73,676 03-12-93 Utility to change user stats for ROBO BBS
ROBOUE01.ZIP 48,998 03-12-93 Edit user records for robo graphical BBS
ROMPR134.ZIP 65,740 09-18-93 ROMProc v1.34; CD-ROM Download Processor
Perfect for any BBS system running CD-ROM
drives and/or LANs! Handles the complete
download process by copying file(s) to a
specified area, commenting them, transmitting
with the appropriate protocol, cleaning up
and returning to the BBS. Detects archive
format, including SFX and SDN archives. Does
not need batch files. Shareware, not
crippled. Now supports drive locking!
ROS2PCB.ZIP 23,772 10-14-91 ROS2PCB Version 1.0. A utility for sysops
converting from ROS to PCBoard software.
ROS2PCB will convert the ROS directories to
PCBoard format, fast and easy to use.
ROTATE.ZIP 57,876 09-06-93 RotateIt v1.5; BBS Automated Screen Rotation
program. Up to 5 different screens.
ROTATE12.ZIP 35,800 08-22-93 BBS screen file rotation utility Generic
enough to run with just about any BBS.
ROTATE1B.ZIP 40,966 07-04-92 Welcome/Goodbye Screen Rotator
ROTOWEL7.ZIP 29,831 02-06-93 ROTOWEL 7.0 - Easy to use freeware bulletin
board display screen rotator. Change welcome,
bulletin, logoff, etc. screens automatically
using 3 different sort options. Show special
screens on specified dates. Intelligent
handling of graphics and non-graphics files.
Many improvements over Version 6.0.
RSCN106C.ZIP 60,852 01-23-93 Robobbs file uploader scanner and convertor.
RSCRN20.ZIP 44,426 05-24-92 BBS / Autoexec screen rotator. Cycles through
unlimited screens, for BBS hello/goodbye
screens, or local pc screens. Now Desqview
RUE_200.ZIP 103,095 08-15-92 (v2.00) Remote User Editor for SuperBBS
RYNEWF12.ZIP 18,970 10-04-93 RyNEWF v1.0; RyNEWF is a new file lister. It
is mainly meant to be used in first.bat for
users to scan for new files at log-on instead
of having to go to the file menu to scan for
them. RyNEWF using download.bbs to tell it
were the file directories are.
S2A150.ZIP 99,558 01-23-92 Flexible bulletin maker. Ans/asc, auto-maint,
SAGE32.ZIP 144,782 01-03-92 SAGE 3.2. Manage and select from an editable
digest of quotes, jokes, fortunes etc.
Includes a sample with over 2,000 items.
Flexible. Professionally written. Great for
BBS sysops, as well as users.
SAPB113.ZIP 20,480 10-06-92 SAPB v1.13 for BBBS; Reads a BBSlogfile and
creates 2 bulletin files. Calculates total
logins, new users, time used, chats with
sysop, messages entered and read, downloads,
uploads, doors opened, QWK upload and
downloads etc.
SBASE110.ZIP 60,690 04-09-93 SuperBase 1.10; A bbslist database. It allows
users to enter or view BBS info, including
phone #, name, software used, etc.
SBBSTIP1.ZIP 11,337 01-26-93 SuperBBS tips #1.
SBBSTIP2.ZIP 11,439 02-14-93 SuperBBS tips #2.
SBBSTIP3.ZIP 22,626 03-23-93 SuperBBS tips #3.
SBBSTIP4.ZIP 15,264 03-28-93 SuperBBS tips #4.
SBBSTIP5.ZIP 18,356 04-18-93 SuperBBS tips #5.
SBOX10.ZIP 40,277 05-31-93 The Switch Box v1.0; Automatic screen changer
for BBS sysops, offers Random Selection
Screens can be stored in a ZIP archive,
Series Selection. Knows ANY user defined
SCALL210.ZIP 56,718 12-25-92 SuperCalls! The ultimate "Who Called Today"
Bulletin/Hello screen generator for
PCB/Wildcat. Sysop configurable! Shows your
daily callers names only once in the display
screen! Also has many informative features.
SCREAM20.ZIP 28,546 12-08-91 callers choose tune to y)ell for the Sysop.
SCRIPTDL.ZIP 12,016 02-12-92 SCRIPTDL version 1.0 (02-12-92). A simple
program that converts the output of script
questionnaires (answer files) to comma
delimited text files for later import into a
database. A free utility from Bob and
Kathey's BBS!
SCRLFQOT.ZIP 23,314 09-06-91 Alternate multiline quote generator for
Simplex BBS.
SDR_1.ZIP 11,187 04-12-93 SDReminder v1.0; Utility to show users ansi
and ascii text files based on thier
subscription date and security level. Will
only be shown to them once per day. Versions
included for both RA1.11 and RA2.00
SECDOS10.ZIP 42,216 07-17-93 SecureDOS v1.0; SecureDOS makes your Drop To
DOS command SAFE! SecureDOS allows you to let
your cosysops to drop to a DOS emulator and
have almost all the power of actually being
in DOS, without the danger. You can specify
directories that are out of reach, and
individual files too. Has many extras too,
such as an ANSI FULL Screen File Editor
SECMSG31.ZIP 8,147 08-28-91 Different message for every security level on
a BBS.
SFA3B15.ZIP 60,745 04-14-93 SmartFA Beta 15, bug fixes for the REARJ and
FILES.BBS routines plus new options for
FILES.BBS entries.
SHAMPGE2.ZIP 35,640 06-02-92 Answers pages whether sysop is there or not.
SHROM18G.ZIP 18,669 09-14-91 Shell Room Utility; Utility that gives a DOS
application's shells more room. It does this
by intercepting the shell operation, swapping
out the application program, freeing up the
memory, and then performing the shell
operation. It also intercepts the exit from
the shell, so that it can swap the
application back in before returning to it.
SJG_CASE.ZIP 37,090 04-14-93 Hypertext version of the final opinion of the
Steve Jackson Games Case. A MUST read for all
SysOps, BBS users and members of law
enforcement who are considering BUSTING a
BBS! Includes not only the entire court
opinion, but also lots of text from the
Federal law as cited by the judge.
SJ_9304.ZIP 13,909 04-13-93 STRANGE JOURNEY; Premier issue of the e-zine
of e-zines Reviews of electronic publications
SKYSAT2.ZIP 13,953 07-30-92 Skylink Communications text file written to
explain Skylink - a service that sends the
latest shareware files over a satellite and
onto computer. subscription is $50 a year.
SL2DORIN.ZIP 6,191 03-05-93 Convert Searchlight BBS to DORINFO1.DEF run
doors needing the DORINFO1.DEF file.
SL2DORM.ZIP 6,343 11-30-92 Create multi-node dorinox.def for Searchlight
SL2QBBS.ZIP 36,736 12-11-92 Converts Searchlight 2. to doriinfox.def.
SLAM18.ZIP 31,813 04-17-92 Searchlight alias maker (slam) 1.8, for SLBBS
version 2.xx.
SLBLTN.ZIP 5,319 04-17-92 Force users to read a bulletin message, for
SLBBS version 2.xx.
SLC110.ZIP 31,945 06-22-92 Searchlight upload processer (SLBBS 2.25+).
Scans new uploads and sends email report to
sysop. Freeware.
SLCALL09.ZIP 95,745 08-24-92 SL-CallBack v0.07; SL-CallBack is essentially
a Callback-verification door SPECIFIC to
Searchlight BBS! Instead of having to spend
hours voice-validating users, or having
important callers wait for you to validate
them, they can get validated by your own
SLDIRSC.ZIP 14,750 12-19-92 Adds all files in a directory to a
SearchLight BBS .SL2 file.
SLFLAGS.ZIP 15,079 02-24-93 Searchlight Flag Toggler For version 2.15;
Allows you to toggle the state of any of
three flags usually controlled by hot keys on
the local console: The Super user Flag; The
AVAILABILITY Flag; The Next on Flag
SLFLIST2.ZIP 52,656 08-01-92 File list generator for Searchlight bbs.
SLLOGIN.ZIP 9,475 02-09-93 SL-LOGIN v.50; This is a Simple AUTODOOR LOG
IN Program that allows a user to see his
status on the board. ETC.
SLMST100.ZIP 26,850 02-10-93 SLMaster V1.0; Searchlight Offline File List
Created to make a professional-looking list
of all files available for download on a
Searchlight bulletin board.
SLNAME13.ZIP 56,243 02-09-92 Auto-logoff door for SearchLight BBS, prints
user's name on the screen in big letters &
SLOG.ZIP 39,281 08-13-91 Store Log archives BBS logs each day in an
event . The program will archive and store
the log under the current date and then
delete your original log file (optional).
SLPUZZLE.ZIP 12,063 02-01-93 Puzzle This game is like the '15' puzzle you
have as a kid; Works With SLBBS
SLQEDT10.ZIP 22,084 09-08-91 Searchlight 2.x quote editor.
SLRENAME.ZIP 30,858 01-17-91 SLRENAME - Turn handles into real names for
export. Written to run with Searchlight BBS
systems running SLMAIL to export echomail
messages to *.MSG format in mind.
SLSTATUS.ZIP 15,271 05-30-93 Searchlight status door utility for
Searchlight BBS software, Lets user see board
SLTC301.ZIP 10,884 06-10-91 SL-Today's Callers 3.01, for Searchlight bbs.
SLTPU70A.ZIP 101,662 01-07-93 Searchlight software programmers guide.
SLUTILS.ZIP 63,690 12-10-92 Searchlight BBS Autodoor Batch Utilities v1.1
A suite of utilities to enhance the abilities
of SLMAIL.EXE, VALIDATE.EXE and to provide
the SLBBS Sysop with tools for providing
access based upon agreement with the SYSOP's
criteria for use of the BBS. Additionally, a
simple questionnaire-type of utility is
included to further enhance the SLBBS Sysop's
ability to process users.
SLVIEW.ZIP 18,984 03-22-93 SLview archive viewer door version 1.0 for
Searchlight bbs & others. Arc/zip/arj
supported. View text files in archive online
SLVW082B.ZIP 30,446 03-10-93 View program for SLBBS. Go inside of
compressed files while online and download
only certain files from the compressed file.
SL_FSTAT.ZIP 17,265 08-16-92 SL_FSTAT (statistics utility) This program
will generate some .TXT files with statistics
based on the information in the files
ACTIVITY.LOG and FILES.LOG. (or whatever you
have called them on your system). can be used
as an automatic, daily, EVENT
SMSFBBS.ZIP 5,676 11-26-92 Utility to convert the FILES.BBS file listing
in each directory on the SO MUCH .. CD-ROM's
and output a listing without size/dates.
SMSROBO.ZIP 5,615 05-17-93 Convert power user So Much ... CD-ROM lists
for Robobbs use.
SNEAK01.ZIP 31,008 02-15-92 Sneak v1.0; Sneak scans user lists for
callers who have called on a specified date.
It will produce a file called "Sneak.REP",
and will append to it each time the program
is run.
SNIPT502.ZIP 122,008 07-09-93 SNIPPET v5.02; Auto BBS quote bulletin
generator. Unique configuration utility makes
it EZ to customize for any system. Run via
event, door or stand-alone. Graphics options
and selectable foreground/background colors.
Creates color and mono files. Includes sysop-
editable database of 700 messages. Free!
SOPMSG.ZIP 21,743 08-02-92 'Electronic' CoSysop will respond to mail.
SOUNDEXP.ZIP 513,818 03-05-93 SOUNDEX-> VOC Player v1.0; Program for SYSOPS
who own a sound card. Plays various .VOC
files. Can be used to promote your BBS by
editing the .VOC files. Automatically install
and run. If you don't have a sound card, this
program may not appeal to you.
SOURC35D.ZIP 4,000 05-28-92 These files are intended to be used with
Robocomm V4.1. Prompt file for The Source!,
running WildCat V3.5 beta
SPEDSTAT.ZIP 3,952 04-20-92 Gives % of connect speeds from Proboard bbs
log file.
SPLTR12.ZIP 39,610 07-14-93 SPLITTER v1.1; Allows a SysOp to take a very
large DOWNLOAD.TXT file and split it into 2
SPOTDEMO.ZIP 60,875 02-04-93 Demo of SLBBS user editor by Frank Larosa.
SRCHRV1.ZIP 37,013 01-25-93 Search bbs file lists for filename or string.
SRTDSC21.ZIP 155,114 05-24-93 SORTDESC v2.1; Find file descriptions from
either FILE_ID.DIZ or captured file
listing(s) & move file to a different
directory based on key words in that
description, place description a separate
listing. With options to add a "FILE_NFO.DIZ"
to archives that don't have them, remove
graphic characters, match on names with
different extensions, & more!
STATSC1C.ZIP 29,041 09-27-93 StatusC: Generate Export, Import, Last Import
and Monthly Total bulletins using Cam-Mail
logs. Multi-Network. Rollovers. ANSI, ASCII
and PCB color/mono support.
STOBBS15.ZIP 23,328 03-14-93 Shuttle to BBS v1.05; Intended for the SysOp
who wishes to run more than one Bulletin
STOP100.ZIP 24,376 11-06-91 Simplex top callers/ULers/DLers v1.00.
STORE.ZIP 58,010 02-21-93 Virtual BBS Account Store v1.0
STRCOM.ZIP 16,967 02-02-93 STRCOM v1.1; Freeware external string
compiler for WWIV 4.22
STRIP-G.ZIP 36,784 02-28-93 Strip Ghost; Strip Ghost is used to process a
TBBS dayfile to remove all Ghost events found
in the dayfile in order to make the dayfile
more readable. It may be used in conjunction
with TSTAT or other dayfile analyzers to
eliminate accounting anomalies due to the
ghost events logged.
STRIPUP1.ZIP 36,663 01-05-92 Utility to strip out that "Uploaded By:"
message. Does one directory or multiple
directories. FREEBEE!!! From the Author of
King of the Board
SUBLST21.ZIP 21,222 05-23-93 SUBLIST v2.0; Enhanced "List" command for
Searchlight BBS systems v3.xx. Shows subboard
membership, new message counts, and more.
Multi-tasking and multi-node aware. Monitors
idle time and user time limits. Sports a new
stats-bar and the new SL "More... Continue
Stop" prompt.
SUBSCRIB.ZIP 31,763 02-05-92 VBBS utility to allow you to see who is post-
ing on certain message bases.
SWAP21S.ZIP 22,123 02-27-93 SwapFile 2.1s is a program that is designed
to swap virtually any program within a BBS.
It can be utilized to rotate any of your BBS
screens, menu screens, and virtually any
other series of screens or programs. With
SwapFile, you as a Sysop, can customize your
BBS as never before possible. It's only
limitation is the ability to rotate only
three files. With the registered version, you
may rotate up to 99 files. SwapFile will
SWB928G.ZIP 394,182 12-01-92 Shareware bulletin graphics add on.
SWB928TI.ZIP 127,971 12-02-92 ShareWare Bladet volume #8; ShareWare Bladet
reviews new shareware & public domain
programs and provides relavant info for the
share- ware user worldwide. English language.
SWBM100.ZIP 225,824 07-26-93 Star Wars Bulletin Maker v1.00; Creates nice
looking bulletins from an extended script
database. Colors are configurable, and easy
to set up and maintain. Generates random or
sequential bulletins.
SWITCH-L.ZIP 30,182 08-24-93 SwitcheRoo v2.0; Effective in giving your BBS
a "new" look. What Switcheroo! does is after
each and every call, switches your menu and
display screens so that your next caller is
met with all new displays.
SWR101.ZIP 8,939 12-15-91 Switcher V1.01. Allow users to select either
toped or quicked.
SXR302.ZIP 399,542 01-21-93 Silver Xpress Off-line Mail Reader 3.02 from
Santronics Software. Now in 5th year! New
information management technology with
off-line fax, off-line forms, Speech Friendly
Interface, much more! Full Shareware Version
with QWK Support.
SYREAD03.ZIP 122,497 03-07-92 Allfiles.lst created automatically for
Searchlight BBS.
SYSJAIL.ZIP 7,466 03-15-93 Sysop from Houston does time in Georgia jail.
Text by Lance Rose. Legal Copy/trade atty.
SYSMEN1.ZIP 16,276 11-16-91 Selection of BRDS menus and Utils.
SYSOPS01.ZIP 5,333 01-02-92 THE HISTORY OF THE BBS USER; A Musical Drama
in -V- parts. Series of messages between a
sysop and a new user.
SYSSEC10.ZIP 42,907 01-17-93 Sysop Secretary. For GAP Sysops. Reads
USER.DAT file and will print several reports.
Will also print address labels.
SYUTLB36.ZIP 137,325 12-21-92 SYSUTIL v1.0ß36; A sysop utility for GT Power
bulletin boards. This program is designed to
make a sysop's life easier. Try it!
T2305SV.ZIP 1039,446 05-11-92 NCSA Telnet v2.3b1.
TAG201.ZIP 86,047 05-29-93 Tagfile v2.01 Full Release / no delays. The
Ultimate in file tagging and batch upload
utilities. Handles SDI, DIZ and DOZ
description file formats. Compatible with
most file compression formats for adding
description files to compressed files. Uses
the multiple file transfer protocol options
of DSZ, BiModem and HS/Link!
TASK.ZIP 11,068 09-07-92 {COMMO} macros that allow you to
automatically execute DOS pgms at any time of
the day on any day of the week.
TBANK107.ZIP 81,134 02-26-92 WWIV Online Time Bank v1.07; Allows your
users to save their unused time.
TBBS22.ZIP 27,434 12-22-92 TBBS 2.2 update.bin
TBLT09D.ZIP 49,919 04-30-92 TOPBLT v0.9d; Complete PCBoard User Bulletin
Statistics Generator - Best/Worst
Posters,Callers,Msg Readers,UL/DL/PCR's. All
one program. Cmd line driven. NEW: Top
ULBYTES/DLBYTES bulletins, internal colour
schemes & header generation. Ability set min
values for blts. v0.9d now provides a lot of
'default' configurability.
TCATBAT.ZIP 3,577 03-28-92 Wildcat/Tomcat utility. Makes up or download
of local mail packet fast & easy, and no need
to log-on to system.
TCB-201B.ZIP 50,115 03-29-93 TCB v2.01 [Today's Callers Bulletin Creator]
Truly configurable utility, creates "Today's
Callers" bulletin(s) for your SuperBBS
system. Use one of the supplied sample
configurations, or build your own unique
bulletin style. You can control EXACTLY what
information is displayed, which callers are
included, and by what criteria; you can set
EVERY colour, EVERY character, and more!
Supports multiple logfiles (it sorts them,
TCFG10.ZIP 29,633 08-07-93 TNETCFG, TNET.CFG file maker. TNET.CFG made
TCM160.ZIP 12,826 07-17-92 TNET Configuration Maker v1.60 - WC! Systems
Makes TNet Configuration Files Now Supports
WC! 3.5x & TNET 3.5x BRUN45 required but not
included in archive.
TDCL_150.ZIP 13,662 10-01-91 Today's Callers V1.50 (Timezone Bug Fixed).
TDS0703.ZIP 44,739 07-03-92 TDS Network; Worldwide Distributor of PCBoard
Doors and Utilities. We carry everything from
1989 to the most recent Doors . Over 220
members spanning 20 countries. Application
and Info archive. >> TOLL FREE ACCESS FOR
PCBoard / PCBoard Compatible DOOR & UTILITY
AUTHORS<<. We also support Mail Orders on
DISK, TAPE, and Fido TICK File Areas.
TELEFLRA.ZIP 2,918 08-25-93 Credit card processing for your BBS or
ShareWare programming! Teleflora CreditLine,
a 3rd party credit card processor, wants to
do business with you.
TESTF21D.ZIP 6,679 03-19-92 What to expect in Testfile 2.1 ? Are you a
Sysop ? Do you call yourself a Sysop and you
don't have TESTFile 2.1 ? Shame on you !!
Take a look at what Testfile 2.1 offers !
TIME93.ZIP 17,413 07-14-93 The subject of TIME from WISDOM OF THE AGES.
78 Quotes, Sayings and Ideas about Eternity,
Past, Present and Future. Material is divided
into seven sections. Authors and dates are
TIMEIT10.ZIP 12,254 02-13-93 Timeit/Wait Utility v1.0; Wait for specified
number of seconds, or until it is told to
stop waiting either by a file appearing in
the directory it was called from, or by
pressing ESC. Very useful for co- ordinating
BBS events across multiple nodes.
TIMEWAIT.ZIP 23,960 07-01-91 BBS Utility to Allow 1 Node to Wait until a
Specific Time
TLA31.ZIP 48,219 10-03-92 TLA - The Log Analyzer v3.1 (FREEWARE)
TLIST120.ZIP 34,306 03-27-93 Ezycomm Filelist and Areabanner Creator.
TMSTAT2.ZIP 43,771 11-07-91 TimeStat Version 2.0 Creates a 24 Hour format
bulletin displaying the most used hours.
Works with PCBoard 14.5 and UltraBBS.
TODAYC12.ZIP 34,579 10-02-93 TODAY's CALlers 1.2: Generates bulletin files
showing who called your BBS today. Supports
multiple nodes! for Powerboard 1.25a.
TOP100BB.ZIP 7,532 08-09-93 The 1993 Boardwatch Top 100 BBS list
TOP100BW.ZIP 11,218 08-12-93 Winners in the BoardWatch 100 Readers' Choice
BBS Contest 1993. Also includes information
TOPTEN26.ZIP 84,029 05-09-93 TopTen v2.5; Creates A Bulletin Showing The
TopTen Message POSTERs, Message Readers,
Callers, (By Number Of Callers) Downloaders,
(By Number Of DOWNLoads AND By The Number Of
Bytes) And Uploaders, (By Number Of UPLoads
AND By The Number Of Bytes)
TOR117.ZIP 95,046 10-05-92 PCTor v1.7: run Amtor on a PC with a low cost
external HF modem.
TQOTD.ZIP 45,857 01-31-93 The Quote of The Day Version 4.21; Pull
quotes from a normal everyday ASCII text file
and place them nice and neat in an ANSI and
ASCII file. You do have the ability to add
your own quotes, plus display the quotes in
sequential or random order with great speed.
Currently offer over 800 quotes!
TQOTD465.ZIP 217,291 08-18-92 The Quote of The Day v4.65.
TSTAMP12.ZIP 12,407 06-21-92 TriStamp v1.2; Archive Comment Utility For
The TriBBS Bulletin Board System. Allows you
to add comments to all uploaded ZIP + ARJ
archives on your TriBBS system. Easy
installation and zero maintnance make this
the perfect choice for all archive comment
needs. Small, fast and extremely easy to
install. Comments can be up to 20,000 K in
size! Designed specially for the TriBBS
Bulletin Board System. All done automatically
TS_50QRP.ZIP 1,509 03-19-93 Reduce TS-50 power to QRP standards by WA6E
TTEST200.ZIP 44,247 02-05-93 TeleTest 2.00 archive tester for any BBS pro.
TUBS10E.ZIP 132,948 10-04-92 The Ultimate Byte System v1.0. File Ratios,
Byte Ratios. Bytes alloted by session total
or real ratios. Account bytes available,
annual, monthly, weekly or daily byte limit!
Sysop configurable by security level or user.
Extremly fast and seamless integration into
PCBoard. Supports base baud rates, session
limits, daily limits, and much, much more!
TURBOBLA.ZIP 10,012 09-18-91 Turbo bbs lister in ANSI.
TUSERSP4.ZIP 28,954 01-08-93 TOPUSERS v4.0; This version will handle up to
4000 users!
TYCB15.ZIP 45,768 10-07-93 Today/Yesterday Callers Bulletin v1.5; Little
utility that will create a bulletin listing
all the users that have called you BBS Today
And Yesterday with both ANSI and ASCII
Bulletins. Colors are completely
configurable, and access levels to include
are completely configurable. TYCB is a
complete design your own bulletin system.
Version 1.5 allows you to specify 7 bit
characters to use for the ASCII bulletins.
UBBSDIZ.ZIP 45,452 03-01-92 UBBSDIZ v1.0 Will scan new uploads for file
FILE_ID.DIZ. If it exists UBBSDIZ will import
the comment into the FILEBASE file. Written
by Robert Neal - CHQBBS.
UBBSLA33.ZIP 59,535 12-18-91 System Info for UltraBBS, Checks for new files
UBBSTU11.ZIP 44,104 07-17-91 Ultra bbs top user v1.1. Create top user
reports for top callers, up and downloaders,
message posts, etc. Colour and text output.
UBDATE.ZIP 8,473 12-23-91 Ultra BBS utility to insert the date of the
latest file in a zip as the last line of the
file description.
UCDMGR.ZIP 229,631 12-14-92 Ultimate CD-ROM Manager v3.2; Access all your
CD-ROMs from one program. View, reports and
more! Knows that #1PRG.ZIP _1PRG.LZH and
1PRG.ARJ may be the same program, and lists
them together. Reports include unique,
duplicate file lists, remove floppy dupes,
decide on buying new CDs, convert FILES.BBS
formats, create FILES.BBS.
UCHAT105.ZIP 147,924 03-29-93 (UChat) v1.05; features multiple coloured
text, SysOp/User macros, page tunes, and many
other features. Slick configuration program,
and many page tunes.
UDIZ101.ZIP 12,237 05-03-93 UDIZ v1.01; Utility to import a FILE_ID.DIZ
description in an archive into the UltraBBS
FileBase. Supports multiple archive types and
opens the FileBase in shareable mode to allow
multi-line use.
UEDIT55.ZIP 147,213 03-20-93 Virtual BBS External User Editor v5.5
UFBF.ZIP 9,157 07-13-93 UFBF v1.0; Fast Bulletin Fix will allow you
to remove and add BBS variables or text to
ascii and ansi bulletin files. For BBS sysops
this makes adding and deleting text during
door usage and events much easier. Works with
all BBS, door and utility bulls.
UFO11.ZIP 57,734 07-12-92 Unwanted File Organizer Version 1.1
UI4_17.ZIP 51,241 10-16-93 UI4-17.ZIP - October 16, 1993 issue of The
Underground Informer (Vol. 4 #17), a
bi-weekly online newsletter written by and
for BBS users. The UI is available to sysops
for distribution on their own boards.
Stories, commentary, and lunacy! Bonus
Halloween party GIF included.
ULFS10.ZIP 11,601 08-18-91 Upload free space monitor for all bbs's.
ULTBBS.ZIP 6,614 09-30-91 One sysops view of what the ultimate BBS
program is, and his quest as a programmer to
create it.
ULTEST27.ZIP 55,201 09-21-92 ULTESTER.EXE and ULTCFG.EXE Version 2.70
Ultester is a comprehensive test utility for
new uploads on FeatherNet bbs' or on PCBoard
bbs'. E-Z to use config program for fast
setup. Compact, fast and low memory usage.
Scans for viruses, tests ARJ, ZIP, LZH, TD0,
ARC and GIF. Sysop may choose to allow or
disallow any file types and limit uploads to
one archive type. Provides age restraint by
percentage of total files overaged. Author:
ULTRCK14.ZIP 19,850 04-01-93 UPLOAD TRACKER v1.4beta; tracks daily uploads
in a single upload area or multiple upload
areas assigned by you. All info is displayed
on an attractive screen showing, not only the
name of the file uploaded, but the
description as well. Small, Fast, Versatile.
Easy Set up. A Wildcat! 3.x utility
UPDBIN.ZIP 20,931 03-28-92 Update patch for users of TBBS v2.2.
UPNAME.ZIP 7,805 11-15-91 Add uploaders name to FILES.BBS.
UP_DOWN.ZIP 7,362 01-08-92 Upload/Download Protocol setting programs For
TBBS 2.2 using TDBS v1.1x or Gamepak TDBS
URESET10.ZIP 9,648 01-29-92 Ultra BBS: Reset message pointers for Ultra
BBS messages in user records.
USAMAP.ZIP 6,204 03-11-93 Menu/Map screen for Robo Graphical BBS. Users
just click the map from their area.
USERAGES.ZIP 29,042 03-19-91 Prints a graph of user ages for VBBS.
USERDIR.ZIP 9,579 02-04-93 386 BSD User directory listing.
USERUTL.ZIP 177,400 07-01-93 User Control Utility Multi-Node v3.0
USRCHK31.ZIP 63,630 01-18-93 USERCHEK 3.1, an rbbs callback verifier. Made
specifically for rbbs, will handle new phone
co calling schemes. New features, color,
better comm routines, more user friendly.
Need to register to perform all functions.
USRED12.ZIP 44,023 10-19-92 UserEd for BBBS v1.2; Allows sysop to edit
BBBSUSR.DAT file without first entering the
USTATV30.ZIP 34,924 09-02-92 USERSTAT will compile information about the
active users of your BBS and display that
information in one of two ways. The first way
is to print a list of the top and bottom
active users. The "rating" of each active
user is calculated by one of three different
UUCODE.ZIP 17,523 02-20-91 These are DOS versions of the *nix utilities
of the same name. UUencoding is the Unix to
Unix encoding of binary files so that they
may be transmitted in the text of a message.
VALL_100.ZIP 49,234 09-02-93 VIEWALL v1.0 Online file viewing front end
utility. View files while online your BBS
locally. BMP, GIF, JPG, PCX, TGA, TIF and
will also play FLI files and play VOC, CMF,
WAV and MID files on your Sound Blaster or
compatable sound board. VIEWALL also shells
to your favorite archive file viewer. Works
with any DOOR.SYS compatible BBS system.
VBBSNODE.ZIP 32,231 01-27-92 VBBS utility to change your network node #
throughout all message bases, file areas etc.
VCDROM11.ZIP 40,385 01-12-93 VCDROM 1.10b1; Utility for creating the file
listings databases for shareware CD-ROMs Such
as So Much Shareware /x From Power User
Software, PC-SIG CDs, and Night Owl CDs.
VDIZ5601.ZIP 37,173 03-03-93 VDIZ v5.60.01; VBBS 5.6 Utility to automate
importe of FILE_ID.DIZ & DESC.SDI from zips
VFAM116.ZIP 148,640 05-02-92 VersaFAM file area mgr v1.16 supports CD-ROM
and much more.
VFORK.ZIP 12,316 02-09-93 VFORK VBBS visual network structure; Display
a type 1 (VNET) network in a visual manner.
VGIX30A.ZIP 71,616 01-29-93 VGIX .30a; An introductory demo release of
the graphical front-end written specifically
for The Virtual BBS/NET ver 5.6x and up.
VLOAD56C.ZIP 43,655 01-17-93 VLOAD 5.60c - ASCII to VBBS File Database
Converter. VLOAD will import any ASCII file,
such as FILES.BBS into the standard 5.60A1
VBBS file format.
VLOGS560.ZIP 70,567 01-06-93 VBBS Network Log Analyser v5.60.00; VLOGS
maintains and analyzes a full historical
statistical record of your network
connections for a whole year at a time.
VNODE560.ZIP 68,538 01-06-93 VBBS Node Amender Version 5.60.00; If you
have to change your node number, or even the
network to which you belong, this program
will amend all references to your old node
number and network number, replacing them
with your new node number and network number.
VPIX19I.ZIP 339,107 04-27-92 Now Users Can View GIFs while online! Great
Program for SYSOPS to install on their
Bulletin Boards as GIF viewing Door! Easy
installation, innovation and application
makes this program a must on all BBS's.
VPP2.ZIP 55,230 03-10-93 Virtual Packer Peek; works with VBBS 5.6+
VSUBS560.ZIP 73,608 02-04-93 VBBS Message/File Area Subscription v5.60.01
VTREE560.ZIP 75,232 02-11-93 VBBS Network Tree 5.60.03; A little program
to draw the network structure of a VirtualNET
type network in a nice tree format. It also
reports any errors or invalid connections
that it discovers.
VUSER560.ZIP 68,880 01-06-93 VBBS User Purger v5.60.0; Allows you to
automatically delete all users who have not
called for at least a certain number of days,
who have a security level no higher than a
specified level.
VUU101.ZIP 78,879 04-18-93 Another replacement for VUUCP, the VBBS UUCP
interface, updated for v6.1.
VWW4CHK3.ZIP 9,198 03-07-93 VWW4-CHK v4.0; This program is to fix VBBS's
problem with not fully loading all the
parameters of the WWIV CALLOUT.NET.
WAKESYS.ZIP 70,528 02-15-93 24-hr telephone wake-up service system: a
shareware demo program of an automated
home-based business. 02/15/93.
WATDG121.ZIP 12,757 10-31-92 WatchDog 1.21 <ASP> !!FREE UTILITY FOR BBS!!
Monitors Carrier on a COM port, detects
hanging programs (e.g. faulty doorways). If
carrier is lost, a program hangs, or the BBS
fails to go offhook, the machine is rebooted.
Boot may be delayed to allow cache pgms to
flush to disk. COM1-COM4 and custom serial
ports supported. 10-30-92
WCHAT-10.ZIP 47,274 01-15-92 WaspChat! High-speed external chat for any
BBS program. It can be configured to any
SysOp's need! Colors, strings and style can
all be set by the operator!
WCHELLO.ZIP 32,732 02-04-93 Use this to create either a bulletin or a
hello screen.
WGMDMS35.ZIP 66,201 01-17-92 WGM-DMS v.3.5 - PCBoard 14.x Sysop Utility
This utility does the following: - Create
directory headers. - Create conference
directory files. - Create up to 99 bulletin
files. - Create up to 99 master file
listings. Written by Wayne G. Maas
WGMMAK10.ZIP 17,216 07-30-92 WGM-MAKE v.1.0 A PCBoard utility that will
scan a DOS directory and create a PCBoard
directory text file from it. Will also add
FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI description files to
the directory file.FREEWARE Author: Wayne G.
WHATDAY.ZIP 36,434 11-10-91 rotate bulletins for according to what day of
the week it is
WHO2.ZIP 28,875 08-06-91 Allows users to know whos using other nodes
WHO503.ZIP 198,440 01-03-93 * WhoCalledPRO! * V5.03 * New In 5.0 - Design
Your OWN Bulletin Headers! WhoCalled
Professional Is For PCBoard SysOps To Track
Their Previous XX Callers And Post The Info
Into Bulletin XX. It Tracks & Posts The Users
DateOn, Name, Speed, TimeUsed, Msgs Posted,
Files U/D/L'd And Average CPS On File Xfers.
Has An Easy To Use Installation And Editing
Utility. TRASH Version 5.02!
WMSCAN1.ZIP 39,286 09-05-91 WM LOG SCANNER; This program scans your log
file and shows you the stats of everthing
that happened. You can tell at a glance if
everything has ran smoothly.
WPAD101.ZIP 9,712 03-28-92 WhizPad, v1.01; A notepad utility primarily
for FOSSIL-based BBS systems
WRTRYB11.ZIP 14,802 01-27-92 WriteRYB Version 1.1. RYBBS 7.x text to
message base importer. Shareware.
WTCHDG.ZIP 9,984 07-27-92 WatchDog 1.20 is a resident utility designed
for BBS'es and other remote operated compu-
ters. It monitors the Carrier on a COM port,
and also detects hanging programs (e.g.
faulty doorways). If carrier is lost or a
program hangs, the computer is rebooted.
Reboot may be delayed to allow lazy-write
caches flush their data to disk. NEW: reboot
at a specific ring count. Zero-Registration
Shareware 07-27-92
WWIVVBBS.ZIP 42,997 01-15-92 VBBS utility to convert all WWIV BBS sections
to VBBS format.
WWPHRS10.ZIP 24,198 05-21-93 WWPhrase version 1.0 for WWIV WWPhrase is a
WWIV utility that outputs a phrase (either
specified by you or randomly selected from a
file) and inserts user information where you
specify with special @codes. Easy to run,
fun, and useful. Shareware by Platypus
Programming - $2
WWSTRP10.ZIP 11,425 05-21-93 WWStrip version 1.0 WWIV color remover
removes WWIV color codes from menu files,
etc., facilitating easier editing. Very fast
and easy to use. Shareware by Platypus
Programming - $2
WWTYPE10.ZIP 13,408 05-21-93 WWType v.1.0 brings WWIV color to DOS by
recreating the DOS TYPE command with the
ability to display WWIV colors including
centering! Fast and easy! Shareware by
Platypus Programming - $2
X2T11.ZIP 22,881 09-28-91 AtX2Txt v1.1 Convert files containing
PCBoard's color codes and @ variables to text
files; automatically ZIP them for
downloading; will process unlimited number of
files; smart enough to know if original has
not changed. Freeware, A. Keeves
XBBS_118.ZIP 704,075 04-04-92 XBBS 1.18 self-installation archive
XCON_100.ZIP 49,883 11-11-91 X_Con; The XBBS Configuration Editor X_Con
edits CONFIG.BBS. It has mouse support, is
very easy to use and has a help line at the
bottom of the screen for the input fields
XMSGFIX.ZIP 36,976 05-01-92 this is the message base maintenance utility
for XBBS. If you don't have XBBS, this won't
do you much good.
XPRESS25.ZIP 553,197 05-14-93 E-X-P-R-E-S-S v2.5; SoundBlaster Support with
VGA Font. This Program Is The SysOp's
Marketing Tool For The 1990's. If You Want
Your Users To Know About Your BBS And Set
Yourself Apart, This Menuing Utility Will Do
The Job For You! Easy To Configure.
XST26A.ZIP 62,203 09-20-91 Updated scanner/tosser for XBBS.
XTRA3.ZIP 45,025 01-21-93 Bulletin and News Maker; Creates Ansi and
Ascii Screens and now has command line
options for larger files! Supports over 10
BBS types and loaded with features!
XUPG_119.ZIP 258,169 06-03-92 XBBS v1.19 upgrade; This is not a complete
XBBS package. It is an upgrade package for
upgrading from v1.18 to v1.19 only.
Y3_00.ZIP 48,768 03-28-93 All-Files List Generator for most any BBS
YELL25.ZIP 39,366 07-12-92 Yell 2.5: replacement chat command for SLBBS
versions 2.xx.
ZBOARD10.ZIP 132,222 02-02-93 Z-Board v1.0; Object Oriented Menu System For
SYSOPS to Introduce Their Bulletin Boards to
Users. Z-Board is Mouse Driven. Easy To Set
Up. A SysOp Marketing Utility!
ZDCS202.ZIP 116,028 02-16-93 Corrects a couple of bugs and contents
signature type of duplicate checking program
ZDCSAT02.ZIP 45,855 08-19-91 ZDCSAT v.01; will create an ASCII text file
containing the list of zip files on your BBS
that contain files that you have designated
ZDCSHELP.ZIP 1,928 10-04-91 Text File explaining the use of ZDCS and
Running it thur a Muliti line BBS (network)
ZIPS13.ZIP 12,479 06-30-92 Z i p S t a m p V e r 1 . 3 - Zip Stamp
allows you to add comments to all uploaded
ZIP archives up to 20,000 kb in size!
Supports many major bulletin board packages,
including TriBBS, PCBoard, RBBS-PC, Spitfire
and more! All done automatically via a batch
file. It's fast, easy to use, and simple to
install. Design your own comments, can be
either ANSI color graphics, or a simple ASCII
text file. Also can be run directly from the
ZLABSCRS.ZIP 2,191 01-03-93 ZipLab 2.0 Upload Test result screens. Shows
tests that were performed and their results.
Archive includes PASS & FAIL screens with
installation instructions.